// Populate a DB table previously created.
// Thanks to:
// https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_php.htm
// for a starting point

// Class to open or create a DB file.  The constructor takes a db name argument
// This new class extends(uses) the standard SQLite3 libraries.
  class MyDB extends SQLite3 {
     function __construct($dbName) {

// Check if a filename argument was passed to us.  If so do the work.
// Otherwise politely complain.
  if (isset($argv[1]) and isset($argv[2])) {

// Get the DB filename and the text filename
    $DBname = $argv[1];
    $textName = $argv[2];

// Create a new instance of the MyDB class.  Which will open/create the new DB file
    $db = new MyDB($DBname);

// Check if it works by seeing if we got a database object.  No complain.
    if(!$db) {
// It did not open.  Display the error.
      echo "Could not open: " . $db->lastErrorMsg() . "\n";
// It worked.  Tell the user.
    } else {
      echo "Opened/created the  database successfully.\n";
// Open the .csv file    
    $inFile = fopen ($textName, 'r');
// Continue if it opened OK.
    if ($inFile) {
	// unique numbers for ID field     
	$id = 0;
// Read lines of the file until end of file.
      while (! feof($inFile)) {
        $line = fgets($inFile);
// If the line has data continue.  The !feof only works after reading past the end.
        if ($line){
// Break the line up into its component parts.  Create the SQL and insert the line into the DB
          list($subject, $date, $link) = explode('||', $line);

echo "$id** $subject** $date** $link";

          $sql = "insert into Issues (ID, Subject, Date, Link)
                  Values ($id, '$subject', '$date', '$link')";
          $stat = $db->exec($sql);
// If this worked continue.
          if(!$stat) {
            echo $db->lastErrorMsg();
          } else {
            echo "Record $id added\n";

// A DB or text filename was not supplied.  Complain.
  } else {
    echo "Please enter a DB name and text file name to use.\n";